Breaking: The Arizona Cardinals Have Completely Cleaned..

Breaking: The Arizona Cardinals Have Completely Cleaned House As Layoffs Include Their CFO.

The Arizona Cardinals have made some major moves in their front office, specifically laying off a few high ranking employees that are at the vice president level or above. The Cardinals had a very forgettable season with star Kyler Murray being injured for most of the beginning of the year, and now they are making tons of moves behinds the scenes in the front office ahead of next season.

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A spokesman for the team told ESPN in all there were less than 10 departures throughout all the various departments of the organization. Even though there were not that many lay offs for the Cardinals, some of them were huge names for the franchise that had been with the team for decades.

Owner Michael Bidwill has been making tons of moves in hopes of getting the franchise back on track both on the field and in the front office of the organization.

The Chief Financial Officer Greg Lee has been laid off after almost 15 years and 18 years with the organization. He was the the highest ranking executive that was let go. In addition to the CFO, the vice president of business development Mike Iaquinta was also laid off. He had been with the team for 15 years as well. Tim Delaney, the vice president of digital content was let go as well was a 16 year veteran of the organization.

These are huge moves as they are clearly taking a new direction for the franchise as a whole. There must have been big decisions that came before this as all of these very high ranking executives were with the team for over 15 years. To lay them off all at the same time could only mean that the franchise is going in a very different direction.

Steve Ryan, the teams senior vice president for corporate partnerships will be leaving on his own later this off season and he had been with the team for 20 years! This continues to highlight the clear change in direction the team is going in.

The layoffs also included two members of social media team as well. The team also had a huge meeting with many of their departments on Tuesday, and many of the employees that were laid off had already cleared out their offices. The new CFO Jeremy Walls shared with the organization in the meeting that everyone else’s jobs were safe.

Jeremy Walls The New CFO For The Arizona Cardinals.

Walls came in for a complete restructuring of the organization for the non-football side. This added several new departments. The layoffs were a huge part of this restructuring of the non-football side of the franchise and to get them in a better position financially. This may be in hope for owner Bidwill to sell the team as they are ranked the 29th most valuable franchise by Forbes at 3.8 billion dollars.

Perhaps Bidwill is going to make all these changes in hopes of selling the franchise at a premium, or he may just want to get things in order on the financial side of the team. Either way, the Cardinals are going to look very different from an organization perspective moving forward and we will see if that makes any changes to their play on the field. It probably wont, but when it comes to an organization everything is connected.

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