JUST NOW:après une décision controversée dans Big Blue, entraîneurs et critiques ont leur opinionsur la décision ……

Ufuk Talay, the head coach of Sydney FC, claims that Patrick Wood’s dismissal during Friday night’s 1-1 draw with Melbourne Victory was a “poor decision.”

After a VAR review of the incident in which he caught Victory defender Adama Traore above the ankle while the two players were battling for the ball, the Sky Blues forward received a straight red card.

During his press conference following the match, Talay stated, “At the A-League, we’re trying to grow a brand and a product.” Furthermore, I think for 35 minutes it was an extraordinary exhibition, the two groups with 11 men on the recreation area.
Red Flag: Patrick Wood states, “In my opinion, I believe it was a poor decision that received a call from VAR to examine.” I think you’re looking for something every time you go to look at something.

“I think that decision ruined the game, all up; when you slow it down, it probably looks even worse than it is.”

Ufuk Talay | Question and answer session | Melbourne Triumph v Sydney FC
Hear from Sydney FC manager Ufuk Talay after his group played for the greater part of the coordinate with just ten players.

Network Ten commentator Daniel McBreen was also critical of the officials’ decision, and Talay was not the only person who thought it was harsh to fire Wood.

McBreen stated, “This is nowhere near a red card for mine.” He is merely attempting to cushion the ball by bending his toe in order to do so while looking at it. I think the officials have it wrong there.

REPORT ON MATCH: 10-man Sydney disappoint unbeaten Triumph in disputable draw

Melbourne Triumph legend and Organization Ten observer Archie Thompson likewise felt the choice was a cruel one, saying he felt ‘there was nothing in it.’

Thompson stated, “I’m with Macca (McBreen) on this one.” He seemed to have eyes for the ball when I saw it. It’s truly disheartening in light of the fact that when you go a man down in an apparatus like this and the manner in which the game was going, it was frustrating the ref showed the red. I didn’t think it contained anything.

In the meantime, Victory head coach Tony Popovic thinks that the way decisions are reviewed by the video assistant referee (VAR) may need to be changed. He also wonders if watching actions at a slower speed can change a referee’s perspective.

When asked about the decision to dismiss Wood, Popovic stated, “When you go to VAR, things are always slowed down.” They can always appear different, and in some cases, they may appear worse. Since I only saw it live and haven’t seen any replays, I don’t know if that was the case here.

He went on to say: The problem with VAR is that even though someone in the booth is telling the referee to look, the decisions will still be made by humans. Thus, it is a human choice.

“I’ve expressed it previously. I favor the arbitrator settled on his decision and regardless, it is, concerning those occurrences.

“They always tell us that players are different. You know there are different kinds of players, different ways to play a game, and different referees referee differently. We need to acknowledge that.

“One referee will let it go, one will not, and one fourth official will let it go. That is the variable you receive.

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