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It is untrue for anybody to suggest that raising an NBA player and a loving son is easy. The late Mrs. Callie Mae Lindsey, the mother of NBA Hall of Famer Julius Erving, said as much. She witnessed every aspect of Erving’s heyday, including the triumphs, conflicts, and hardships.

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Mrs. Lindsey said to Sports Illustrated in 1981, “My life has been filled with happiness, enjoyment, anger, and misunderstanding for the years that my son has been a superstar.”

Julius’s mother taught him a lot of things.

For the most portion of their life, Mrs. Lindsey raised her children alone because her husband abandoned them when Julius was still a little kid. Though she was undoubtedly not the source of Dr. J’s extraordinary basketball abilities, she took pride in having brought up her children as devout Christians and “instilled in them a desire to make each day better than the one before and to improve each task, however small.”

That’s exactly what Erving did, in fact. Even though Dr. J was well aware of his exceptional skill set, he always strived to further his abilities. More significantly, he always tried to act morally.

In the same interview, Erving stated, “I think I was given a gift.” “And one can take away what is given. I was taught at a young age that I would face quick consequences for my poor decisions. On the other hand, doing the right thing was always rewarded. I’ve so made an effort to follow the Man’s instructions, and I’ve been fortunate.”
What kind of parent is Dr. J.

When Erving’s turn came to be a father, he was aware that his children’s growth would greatly benefit from the teachings he had received from his mother. Dr. J was more lenient, though, particularly when it came to their goals.

It may surprise you to learn that Erving never coerced his kids into developing a liking for basketball. Rather, he granted them independence. However, he would be there to impart knowledge as soon as he noticed that any of them were sincerely interested in following in his footsteps.

Even if you expose your kids to the same things, they will all grow up to be very different people. That’s fantastic because I want them to be themselves, not like me. I never made my nephews or children play basketball against their will. I want for them to request instruction. “My eyes light up when I have a willing student who says, ‘Please, teach me how to play,'” Erving reportedly said.

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