So SAD:New york knicks key player Julius Randle was alleged of raping a 17yrs old girl ealier today

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A woman has alleged that New York Knicks owner James Dolan sexually assaulted her a decade ago and then set her up to be molested by now-imprisoned film producer Harvey Weinstein, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in Los Angeles.

, plaintiff Kellye Croft was a 27-year-old licensed massage therapist working on a tour for The Eagles. Dolan’s band, JD & The Straight Shot, opened for the rock band. Dolan, who was 58 at the time, allegedly used his power and influence on the tour to repeatedly manipulate and pressure Croft “to submit to sex with him,” the lawsuit states.

The Associated Press does not typically name people who say they were sexually assaulted unless they come forward publicly or consent to being identified, as Croft has done.

When the tour traveled to Los Angeles, Dolan flew Croft there even though almost no tour members signed up for massage appointments, the lawsuit states. Dolan then continued to “sexually exploit” her and orchestrated a seemingly random meeting between Croft and Weinstein, a friend of his, in a hotel elevator in early 2014, the suit alleges.

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